Tips for Taps Blog

Chlorine Articles

Chlorine and Chloramine disinfection in drinking water

Quick Guide: Chlorine and Chloramine in Drinking Water

Chlorine and chloramine are both used as disinfectants in drinking water. Read on to learn about the differences between them as well as the benefits and potential side-effects—including disinfection byproducts—of...

unbiased guide to shower filters

Is A Shower Filter Necessary?

Showering is another way we encounter many hazards lurking in water. In this guide, we look at the water quality risks and concerns exist in shower water and what type...

The Ultimate Tap Water Odor Guide

The Ultimate Tap Water Odor Guide

Sometimes, tap water can carry odors that make you second guess your water quality. In this ultimate guide to smelly water, we'll cover all the stinks and their sources so...

ultimate tap water taste guide

The Ultimate Tap Water Taste Guide

The taste of your water is so important. In fact, aesthetics—taste, smell, color—are one of the leading reasons people choose not to drink their household tap water. But understanding why...

How to read chlorine test strip results - Guide

How to Read Chlorine Test Strips

Chlorine test strips can quickly tell you how much chlorine is in a sample of water, but sometimes, understanding these seemingly simple results can be tricky.

Tap Water Effects on Hair and Skin

Ultimate Guide: Tap Water Effects on Hair and Skin

Is chlorine or hard water bad for your hair and skin? From irritated skin and itchy scalp to eczema, dandruff, and hair loss, read on to learn how your water...

Haloacetic Acids (HAA5/HAA9) in Drinking Water

Quick Guide: Haloacetic Acids in Drinking Water Explained

Chlorine disinfection is essential for protecting us from waterborne diseases, but it can lead to dangerous byproducts in your water including haloacetic acids (HAA5/HAA9). Read on to learn what HAA5/HAA9 are, how...

How does water quality impact baking?

Why Is Water Quality Important in Baking?

As both an art and a science, baking brings together seemingly simple ingredients through chemical reactions to create something new and delicious. Water is behind all the natural chemical reactions...