Tips for Taps Blog

Pesticides Articles

The Hidden Danger of Floods on Water Quality

The Hidden Danger of Floods on Water Quality

Beyond the immediate chaos and destruction of mass inundation, floods bring a host of other hazards. While suspended sewage and oil slicks are clear indications of contamination, it is always safest...

agriculture and drinking water quality for private wells

How Does Agriculture Pollute Private Wells?

Should you be worried about your drinking water if you live near agriculture and farmland? Read this scenario guide to explore your potential contaminant risks and learn information on how...

Algal Bloom

What Is An Algal Bloom?

Ranging from microscopic, single-celled organisms to large seaweeds, algae serve a crucial function as building blocks of the food chain and aquatic ecosystems. However, algae may also have detrimental effects...

Emerging Contaminants of Concern in Drinking Water - Tap Score

What Are Contaminants of Emerging Concern in Drinking Water?

Given the 80,000+ chemicals on the market, it's no surprise that there are many we just don't know much about. In this piece, we ask: what are contaminants of emerging...

Volatile Organic Compounds in Drinking Water

What Are VOCs and Are They in Your Drinking Water?

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are everywhere. From industry, agriculture, transportation, and everyday household products–once VOCs contaminate drinking water, they can be hard to remove. Learn what VOCs are, how to detect them, the health risks, and...

Simple Ways to Avoid Arsenic Exposure

Simple Ways to Avoid Arsenic Exposure

Read to learn what level of arsenic is considered dangerous, which foods and drinks may increase your arsenic exposure, and easy steps you can take to reduce the risk.

Phthalates and Drinking Water

Phthalates and Drinking Water

What are phthalates and are they dangerous? You can’t smell them, taste them, or perhaps even pronounce them, but phthalates are everywhere. Therefore, due to leaching, weathering and disintegration, they...

How Dangerous Are Pesticides in Water?

How Dangerous Are Pesticides in Water?

Our entire food system relies on pesticides. One of the primary ways that pesticides work their way into the water supply is by seeping through the soil to the groundwater....