Tips for Taps Blog

Water Filtration

Water Filtration Articles

What water filters remove fluoride? - BLG181

Quick Guide to Certified Water Filters for Fluoride

In another affiliate-free guide to certified water filters, we’ve done the legwork to find filters certified to NSF/ANSI standards for the reduction of fluoride.

Unbiased Guide to What Brita Pitchers Filter Out  - BLG193

What Do Brita Pitchers Filter Out?

Do Brita pitchers actually make for safe tap water? Read on to find out!

How do you choose the best water filter in 2025? - BLG193

How Do You Pick the Best Water Filter for Your Home in 2025?

Researching the best water filter can be hard. That’s why we’ve prepared this Ultimate Guide to help you make smart decisions on which water filtration to choose.

What do Berkey Water Filters Remove? - BLG192

What Do Berkeys Filter Out?

If you’ve looked into purchasing an at-home water treatment device, you’ve likely come across Berkey filters. Read on for an in-depth look of what Berkey filters can and cannot remove...

Quick Guide to Certified Water Filters for PFAS - BLG180

Quick Guide to Certified Filters for PFAS

This affiliate-free guide contains a comprehensive list of which filters are certified to NSF/ANSI standards for the reduction of PFAS, why that’s so important, and how to make sense of...

Top 4 Most Popular Water Filter Technologies

The Top 4 Home Water Filter Technologies Explained

Whether your water comes from a private well or a municipal water utility, home water filter systems can reduce and even remove different pollutants from your water. But with so...

Do I need a water softener?

Do I Need a Water Softener?

If your faucets and clothes are covered in stains and you feel a ‘scummy’ residue on your hands after you wash them with soap, you might have hard water. Find...

What are NSF Certifications for Water Filters? BLG184

NSF/ANSI Certifications Explained

The National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) is an independent product testing, inspection, and certification organization to ensure that the devices are composed of nontoxic materials and/or that they reliably and adequately...