Tips for Taps Blog

Carcinogens Articles

Ultimate Guide to PFAS in drinking water - BLG201

PFAS in Drinking Water: Everything You Need To Know

This ultimate contaminant guide to PFAS in drinking water includes exposure risks and health impacts, as well as PFAS testing and filtration solutions.

agriculture and drinking water quality for private wells

How Does Agriculture Pollute Private Wells?

If you live near agriculture, should you be worried about your drinking water? We’ll explore contaminant risks as well as how to best test and treat well water.

THMs and HAAs in Drinking Water - BLG104

Quick Guide: Trihalomethanes and HAA5/HAA9

Long-term exposure to DBPs like TTHMs and HAA5/HAA9 in drinking water can contribute to major health risks—including bladder cancer. Learn more about their potential risks

How to test your water for carcinogens - BLG033

How to Test Your Drinking Water for Carcinogens

Worried about contaminants in your tap water that might cause cancer? Laboratory water testing is the best way to learn about carcinogenic drinking water contaminants

lab testing for pfas in drinking water - BLG206

What Is the Best Way to Test for PFAS in Drinking Water?

Testing for PFAS in your home's drinking water? Learn how laboratories test for PFAS in water and how to collect your sample

Toxicology Explained - The Science of Safety

What is Toxicology?

Learn about toxicology and its role in water testing.

Emerging Contaminants of Concern in Drinking Water - Tap Score

What Are Contaminants of Emerging Concern in Drinking Water?

Given the 80,000+ chemicals out there, it's no surprise that there are many we just don't know much about. "Emerging contaminants" enter drinking water in a variety of ways. But...

Haloacetic Acids (HAA5/HAA9) in Drinking Water

Quick Guide: Haloacetic Acids in Drinking Water Explained

Should you be worried about HAA5/HAA9? Learn about haloacetic acids (HAA5/HAA9) and what they are doing in your drinking water. Everything from potential health risks to how to filter them...