Tips for Taps Blog

City Water

City Water Articles

Lab tests vs test strips

Lab Tests vs. Test Strips—What’s The Best Water Test For You in 2024?

With so many water test options available though, making the right decision can be a daunting task. In this crash course we’ll be covering the two most popular water test...

PUR Water Filters - What Do They Remove From Water?

What Do PUR Pitchers Filter Out?

With thousands of pitcher filters on the market and an intimidating mix of treatment options, it can be challenging to navigate the best filter for your water. To help consumers...

How to read chlorine test strip results - Guide

How to Read Chlorine Test Strips

Chlorine test strips can quickly tell you how much chlorine is in a sample of water, but sometimes, understanding these seemingly simple results can be tricky.

Best water test 2024 - Tap Score

The Best Water Testing Kits of 2024

Read how Tap Score testing includes easy-to-understand reports, explanations of potential health risks, unbiased treatment recommendations, and unparalleled support.

Total THMs and HAA5 in Drinking Water Quick Guide

Quick Guide: Trihalomethanes and HAA5/HAA9

Chlorine remains the leading method of water disinfection in the United States due to its cost-effectiveness. However, it is widely understood that chlorination may result in some unintended consequences. Read more to learn...

Tap Water Effects on Hair and Skin

Ultimate Guide: Tap Water Effects on Hair and Skin

Is chlorine or hard water bad for your hair and skin? From irritated skin and itchy scalp to eczema, dandruff, and hair loss, read on to learn how your water...

Haloacetic Acids (HAA5/HAA9) in Drinking Water

Quick Guide: Haloacetic Acids in Drinking Water Explained

Chlorine disinfection is essential for protecting us from waterborne diseases, but it can lead to dangerous byproducts in your water including haloacetic acids (HAA5/HAA9). Read on to learn what HAA5/HAA9 are, how...

Chlorine and Chloramine disinfection in drinking water

Quick Guide: Chlorine and Chloramine in Drinking Water

Chlorine and chloramine are both used as disinfectants in drinking water. Read on to learn about the differences between them as well as the benefits and potential side-effects—including disinfection byproducts—of...