Tips for Taps Blog

Guide Articles

Guide to Well Water Contamination

How To Spot Well Water Contamination

Your water's appearance, smell, and taste are often important clues to finding potential hazards. In this piece, we’ll go over sense-based signs that can help guide you to the source...

How Do I Test My Well Water in a Lab?

How Do I Test My Well Water in a Lab?

How do you go about testing your well water in a laboratory? Here's your complete overview to testing your private well.

POE Versus POU Water Treatment

POE Versus POU Water Treatment

Buying a home water treatment system gives you more control over your own quality, but knowing the difference between point-of-entry (POE) or point-of-entry (POU) can help you find the best...

shower filters guide

Is A Shower Filter Necessary?

While we talk a lot about drinking water, it's not the only way we are exposed to potential contaminants. Showering is another way we encounter many hazards lurking in water....

Guide to Ion Exchange in Water Treatment

How Does Ion Exchange Work?

Water treatment can be confusing. With the ever-growing list of potential contaminants making their way into drinking water, it's hard to know which is the best system for you. In...

How to read chlorine test strip results - Guide

How to Read Chlorine Test Strips

Chlorine test strips can quickly tell you how much chlorine is in a sample of water, but sometimes, understanding these seemingly simple results can be tricky.

Pink Slime in faucets and sink guide

What Is the Pink Slime in My Bathroom?

If you’ve ever noticed pink slime or residue form around your sink or shower, along the rim of your toilet, or even inside your pet’s water dish–you’re not alone. In...

Where Does My Tap Water Come From?

Where Does My Tap Water Come From?

We write a lot about water–how it smells, how it tastes, and primarily, what’s in it. For those of you who test water with us, we write about how your...