Tips for Taps Blog

Heavy Metals Articles

ultimate guide to discolored tap water

The Complete Guide to Discolored Tap Water

While changes to the color of your tap water can indicate different problems along the line, discolored water does not necessarily suggest your water is dangerous to drink. Read on...

Lead in Drinking Water: The Ultimate Guide

Lead in Drinking Water: The Ultimate Guide

In the Ultimate Guide to Lead, we explore this notoriously toxic heavy metal and its associated risks, sources of contamination and exposure potential, as well as how to test and...

Guide to Arsenic in Drinking Water

Arsenic in Drinking Water: Everything You Need to Know

Arsenic (As) is a naturally occurring metalloid that is toxic to human health. Read on to learn the different forms of arsenic, their sources and exposure potential, and how to test...

Is there aluminum in drinking water?

Aluminum in Drinking Water—Everything You Need to Know

Aluminum is considered a sustainable alternative to plastic and is used in some purification systems to treat drinking water. However, it may have ties to serious neurological disorders like Alzheimer's Disease. Read on...

Radioactivity in Drinking Water

Is My Water Radioactive?

Radioactivity–it can cause irreparable damage to your body that stays hidden for years, or even across generations. Here's a guide to help you understand what radiation really is, what the...

Simple Ways to Avoid Arsenic Exposure

Simple Ways to Avoid Arsenic Exposure

While arsenic in no longer a trendy additive to cosmetics or insecticides, the toxic metalloid remains ubiquitous in the environment, as well as in the food and drinks we consume....

Lithium in tap water

Lithium and Tap Water

While we usually talk about contaminants negatively impacting your health if we find it in drinking water – lithium is a rare example of an element that may actually benefit...

Aluminum and Alzheimer’s Disease: Is There a Link?

Aluminum and Alzheimer’s Disease: Is There a Link?

Although some of the risk factors for Alzheimer’s cannot be changed, we can influence other potential causes of the neurodegenerative illness. Environmental exposure is one of those risks we can...