Tips for Taps Blog

Water Filtration

Water Filtration Articles

What do Berkey Water Filters Remove? - Unbiased Overview

What Do Berkeys Filter Out?

If you’ve looked into purchasing an at-home water treatment device, you’ve likely come across Berkey filters. However, without extensive testing or certification to NSF/ANSI standards for all of their claims,...

Berkey performance testing guide

How Do I Performance Test My Berkey?

Berkey water filters are one of the most popular in-home water treatment devices on the market today, thanks in large part to their robust sales and marketing tactics. But without any NSF/ANSI certifications to...

WQA Treatment Providers in Tap Score reports

New feature: WQA Treatment Providers

Tap Score users can now easily connect with nearby Water Quality Association (WQA) members, certified treatment experts committed to honest, unbiased service. Learn more about our affiliate-free approach and how...

a guide to red flags in water filter reviews

When Can You Trust Water Filter Reviews? A Guide to Red Flags

There are tons of water filter reviews floating around YouTube and the blogosphere touting different treatment solutions. Some are helpful, many of them are not. But how do you know...

Unbiased Guide to best Water Filters for your home

Ultimate and Unbiased Guide to the Best Water Filters for Your Home in 2024

Researching the best water filter can be hard. For various reasons, it can be difficult to get the unbiased information and advice you’re looking for. That’s why we’ve prepared this Ultimate...

What Is Reverse Osmosis (RO)?

What Is Reverse Osmosis (RO)?

A detailed explanation for the type of water filtration you’ve probably heard most about, and for a good reason–reverse osmosis (RO) treats more contaminants than almost any other filter. Tap...

What type of water filter is best?

What Is The Best Water Filter?

These water treatment technologies are not all the same. They specialize in reducing different contaminants and there is NO silver bullet–no one filter or system that can do it all...

Is my water filter working?

How Do I Know If My Water Filter Is Working?

Residential water filtration products will claim to remove different contaminants from your water, but how do you know they’re working? The only way to truly know is to test your...