Tips for Taps Blog


Contaminants Articles

Lead (Pb) in drinking Water Explained

Lead (Pb) in Drinking Water: The Ultimate Guide

In the Ultimate Guide to Lead, we explore this notoriously toxic heavy metal and its associated risks, sources of contamination and exposure potential, as well as how to test and...

Expecting a Child? New Parents’ Guide to Water Testing

Expecting a Child? New Parents’ Guide to Water Testing

Is tap water safe for your baby? If you’re expecting a child or already have an infant or toddler in the home, your drinking water quality is more important than...

Lead Testing in Child Care Centers - California

Lead Testing In Child Care Centers: What You Need to Know

It’s no secret the U.S. is grappling with a lead crisis. Aging piping infrastructure and decreased public funding have left millions of Americans grappling with dangerous lead levels in their...

Ultimate Guide to Well Water Contamination

Ultimate Guide to Well Water Contaminants

In this well owners' guide, we’ll go over common well contaminants and the sense-based signs that can help guide you to a better understanding of your well water

How to read chlorine test strip results - Guide

How to Read Chlorine Test Strips

Chlorine test strips can quickly tell you how much chlorine is in a sample of water, but sometimes, understanding these seemingly simple results can be tricky.

lab testing for pfas in drinking water

What Is the Best Way to Test for PFAS in Drinking Water?

Testing for PFAS in drinking water at home is a proactive step towards safeguarding your health and that of your family. But knowing which test to choose from can be...

Guide to Shock Chlorination for Private Wells

Shock Chlorination: Quick Guide to Disinfecting Your Well Water

Shock chlorination is an affordable solution for bacterial contamination in well water. While we recommend having a professional perform the service, we've prepared a detailed guide should you want to...

ultimate guide to discolored tap water

The Complete Guide to Discolored Tap Water

While changes to the color of your tap water can indicate different problems along the line, discolored water does not necessarily suggest your water is dangerous to drink. Read on...