Tips for Taps Blog

Health & Wellness

Toxicology Explained - The Science of Safety
Featured Article

What is Toxicology?

To know if your environment impacts your health, we rely on research in the field of toxicology. What is toxicology? We’re here to break down the jargon. Read this primer...


Health & Wellness Articles

Bottled Water Fads Exposed

Bottled Water Fads Exposed

Plain drinking water is now having to stand up against trendy options like alkaline water, hydrogenated water, hyper-oxygenated water, and even CBD water. Read more to discover whether there's any...

Total THMs and HAA5 in Drinking Water Quick Guide

Quick Guide: Trihalomethanes and HAA5/HAA9

Chlorine remains the leading method of water disinfection in the United States due to its cost-effectiveness. However, it is widely understood that chlorination may result in some unintended consequences. Read more to learn...

Nitrites, Nitrates, and Your Health

Nitrites, Nitrates, and Your Health

If my water is contaminated, I will know, right? Unfortunately… if you’ve been reading Tips for Taps, you’ll probably know the answer. Some drinking water contaminants are completely impossible to...

Toxicology Explained - The Science of Safety

What is Toxicology?

To know if your environment impacts your health, we rely on research in the field of toxicology. What is toxicology? We’re here to break down the jargon. Read this primer...

Tap Water Effects on Hair and Skin

Ultimate Guide: Tap Water Effects on Hair and Skin

Is chlorine or hard water bad for your hair and skin? From irritated skin and itchy scalp to eczema, dandruff, and hair loss, read on to learn how your water...

The Ultimate Tap Water Odor Guide

The Ultimate Tap Water Odor Guide

Sometimes, tap water can carry odors that make you second guess your water quality. In this ultimate guide to smelly water, we'll cover all the stinks and their sources so...

Radon in Air and Water - Tap Score Guide to Radon

Radon Gas in Air and Water

Radon gas is an imperceptible threat affecting 1 in 15 homes across the US at a level above which the EPA recommends corrective action. A naturally occurring radioactive element, radon...

Bottled Water Myths and Facts - Tap Score

Bottled Water: Myths vs. Facts

There are loads misconceptions when it comes to bottled water. From the claim that "bottled water is always sterile and free of contaminants" to "bottled water is regulated more stringently...