Tips for Taps Blog

Health & Wellness

Toxicology Explained - The Science of Safety
Featured Article

What is Toxicology?

To know if your environment impacts your health, we rely on research in the field of toxicology. What is toxicology? We’re here to break down the jargon. Read this primer...


Health & Wellness Articles

What's in Your Raw Water?

What's in Your Raw Water?

Nobody Knows, and That's a Problem Most people have a healthy skepticism of the latest marketing craze coming out of Silicon Valley: "Raw Water". While the region is known for...

Wastewater Epidemiology: Real-time Public Health Research

Wastewater Epidemiology: Real-time Public Health Research

Every day, more than 30 billion gallons of wastewater passes through treatment plants in the United States. While all of that urine, feces, and other waste might seem like something...

Pharmaceuticals in Your Drinking Water

Pharmaceuticals in Your Drinking Water

There are drugs in your drinking water–albeit in very low concentrations–but they are there.This got us asking some questions and we turned to assistant professor at Johns Hopkins University and...

Erin Brockovich: The Ongoing Fight for Clean Water

Erin Brockovich: The Ongoing Fight for Clean Water

Whether or not you have seen her eponymously-titled film, Erin Brockovich's environmental efforts deserve attention. As a passionate environmental activist, she is determined to remain a spokesperson for those suffering from environmental...

A Quick Guide on How You Can Limit Water Pollution

A Quick Guide on How You Can Limit Water Pollution

Chemicals–we consume them, absorb them, inhale them. They are everywhere. We can and should take actions in our everyday lives to combat  chemical water pollution. We’ve put together 6 easy...

Why Is Fluoride Used in Water Treatment?

Why Is Fluoride Used in Water Treatment?

Fluoride is among the most confusing chemicals added to drinking water. While low concentrations protect against tooth decay, studies also indicate that added fluoride may have adverse effects at elevated levels.

Late to Regulate

Late to Regulate

Did you know it took almost 100 years for US health regulations to protect citizens from the dangers of lead paint? Meanwhile, hundreds of new pharmaceuticals, industrial solvents, fertilizers, and...