Legionella in Drinking Water: What You Need to Know At Home or Away
Outbreaks of Legionella-caused illnesses are quite common, especially in spas and hotels, and can lead to health complications.
Outbreaks of Legionella-caused illnesses are quite common, especially in spas and hotels, and can lead to health complications.
Given the 80,000+ chemicals on the market, it's no surprise that there are many we just don't know much about. In this piece, we ask: what are contaminants of emerging...
There are many allergy-management options on the market, but one easy and surprising way to manage allergic reaction severity can be found at your tap. In our new guide to...
Mold has been living on our planet for millions of years, and there is always some mold everywhere. The infamous “toxic mold”–which refers to the varieties that release mycotoxins into...
The Raw Water sales reps are in effect turning a blind eye to the contaminants that have caused cancers for millions worldwide, while mumbling something about probiotics. We love that...
Water supplies for more than 7 million Americans in 27 states are contaminated with 1,4-dioxane. This industrial chemical has been detected at levels higher than what federal scientists say poses...