Tips for Taps Blog

Well Water

Well Water Articles

Guide to Shock Chlorination for Private Wells

Shock Chlorination: Quick Guide to Disinfecting Your Well Water

Shock chlorination is an affordable solution for bacterial contamination in well water. While we recommend having a professional perform the service, we've prepared a detailed guide should you want to...

how do i test my well water?

How Do I Test My Well Water in a Lab?

As a well owner, your drinking water is your responsibility. Getting your well water tested in a certified lab is the best way to get a clear picture of your...

quick guide to septic tanks and well water

Quick Guide: Protecting Well Water Through Proper Septic Tank Care

Have you had your septic system inspected lately? Proper upkeep of your septic system and the quality of your home’s drinking water are often interrelated. Read on to learn how everyday decisions...

What To Do About Acidic Well Water

What To Do About Acidic Well Water

Acidic well water is a relatively common issue among well owners. But what does it mean to have acidic well water? And should you be concerned? Read more to find...

quick guide to coliform in well water

Quick Guide: Coliform Bacteria in Well Water

In this quick guide to coliform in well water, we delve into the key things you need to know about fecal contamination and coliform, discuss the importance of well water...

Nitrites, Nitrates, and Your Health

Nitrites, Nitrates, and Your Health

If my water is contaminated, I will know, right? Unfortunately… if you’ve been reading Tips for Taps, you’ll probably know the answer. Some drinking water contaminants are completely impossible to...

short guide on wildfires and water quality

Wildfires & Water Quality: How Do Wildfires Impact Your Drinking Water?

While a natural part of most ecosystems, wildfires can have far-reaching consequences on drinking water quality. Our short guide on wildfires and water quality will give you insight into exactly...

Volatile Organic Compounds in Drinking Water

What Are VOCs and Are They in Your Drinking Water?

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are everywhere. From industry, agriculture, transportation, and everyday household products–once VOCs contaminate drinking water, they can be hard to remove. Learn what VOCs are, how to detect them, the health risks, and...