Tips for Taps Blog

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About The Author


Serving as the Chief Science Officer at SimpleLab, Jess Goddard spearheads the scientific program at Tap Score, overseeing all analytical products and services. With a Ph.D. in water resources and a Master's in environmental engineering from UC Berkeley, Jess brings a wealth of expertise to the team. Her leadership ensures the highest standards in our scientific endeavors, contributing to the excellence that defines SimpleLab and Tap Score. When away from her desk, Jess enjoys reading and being outside.

Jess Goddard Articles

Lead Testing in Child Care Centers - California

Lead Testing In Child Care Centers: What You Need to Know

Assembly Bill 2370 directly addresses licensed child care centers operating statewide. But actual compliance may still be leaving you with more questions than answers. What exactly is AB 2370 and...

Laboratory Detection Limits Explained

Laboratory Detection Limits Explained

All laboratory testing instruments and methods have an inherent minimum detection level–a concentration below which an instrument fails to measure something reliably. If you’re doing a laboratory water test then...

Emerging Contaminants of Concern in Drinking Water - Tap Score

What Are Contaminants of Emerging Concern in Drinking Water?

Given the 80,000+ chemicals out there, it's no surprise that there are many we just don't know much about. "Emerging contaminants" enter drinking water in a variety of ways. But...

Radon in Air and Water - Tap Score Guide to Radon

Radon Gas in Air and Water

Radon gas is an imperceptible threat affecting 1 in 15 homes across the US at a level above which the EPA recommends corrective action. A naturally occurring radioactive element, read...

Water service boundary project by SimpleLab

How to Access the First Map of US Water Utilities

The majority of states do not provide (or even monitor) which water systems serve which areas! SimpleLab decided to do something about this problem–and while what we’ve released is a...

Dioxins and Furans: Toxic Chemicals Explained

Dioxins and Furans: Toxic Chemicals Explained

Learn about the sources, exposures, and harmful health effects of the toxic industrial byproducts called dioxins and furans.

What are aquatic herbicides

Aquatic Herbicides Explained

Aquatic herbicides are often used to kill invasive plant species and reduce algal blooms that threaten the health of aquatic ecosystems. Learn more about how and why aquatic herbicides are...

How SimpleLab Built City Water Project

How SimpleLab Built City Water Project

Over the last year, SimpleLab built the City Water Project (CWP). CWP is an online data tool bringing together tens-of-millions of water quality results across the United States