Tips for Taps Blog

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About The Author


Serving as the Chief Science Officer at SimpleLab, Jess Goddard spearheads the scientific program at Tap Score, overseeing all analytical products and services. With a Ph.D. in water resources and a Master's in environmental engineering from UC Berkeley, Jess brings a wealth of expertise to the team. Her leadership ensures the highest standards in our scientific endeavors, contributing to the excellence that defines SimpleLab and Tap Score. When away from her desk, Jess enjoys reading and being outside.

Jess Goddard Articles

Quick guide to fluoride in drinking water - BLG103

Why Is Fluoride Used in Water Treatment?

What is fluoride and why is it used in water treatment? This quick guide to fluoride in drinking water lays out all the facts, including how it affects health, acceptable...

Ultimate Guide to PFAS in drinking water - BLG201

PFAS in Drinking Water: Everything You Need To Know

This comprehensive guide provides a deeper understanding of PFAS, including their history, prevalence, and health effects, as well as addressing "regrettable substitutions" like GenX. Gain valuable insights into how to...

Quick Guide to Certified Water Filters for PFAS - BLG180

Quick Guide to Certified Filters for PFAS

This affiliate-free guide contains a comprehensive list of which filters are certified to NSF/ANSI standards for the reduction of PFAS, why that’s so important, and how to make sense of...

Guide to Legionella in Drinking Water

Legionella in Drinking Water: What You Need to Know At Home or Away

Outbreaks of Legionella-caused illnesses are quite common, especially in spas and hotels, and can lead to health complications.

General drinking water quality properties guide - BLG063

General Chemistry of Water

Read to find out why hardness, total dissolved solids (TDS), pH, and alkalinity are important, what they mean for your water quality and health, general ranges, and what to do...

THMs and HAAs in Drinking Water - BLG104

Quick Guide: Trihalomethanes and HAA5/HAA9

Chlorine remains the leading method of water disinfection in the United States due to its cost-effectiveness. However, chlorination may result in some unintended consequences. Read more to learn about disinfection...

how do i test my well water? - BLG127

How Do I Test My Well Water in a Lab?

As a well owner, your drinking water is your responsibility. Getting your well water tested in a certified lab is the best way to get a clear picture of your...

How Do Nitrates Affect My Health? - BLG036

Quick Guide: Nitrate and Drinking Water

Nitrite and nitrate, typically a problem for well owners, are associated with serious health risks, especially for infants and pregnant women. Read on to learn more