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agriculture and drinking water quality for private wells

How Does Agriculture Pollute Private Wells?

Should you be worried about your drinking water if you live near agriculture and farmland? Read this scenario guide to explore your potential contaminant risks and learn information on how...

Ultimate Guide to Well Water Contamination

Ultimate Guide to Well Water Contaminants

In this well owners' guide, we’ll go over common well contaminants and the sense-based signs that can help guide you to a better understanding of your well water

What is limescale and how do I fix it?

What’s the White Residue on My Fixtures?

Do you see white residue on your faucets, shower heads, and just about any surface your water touches? It’s not harmful to your health, it may be bad news for...

Do I need a water softener?

Do I Need a Water Softener?

If your faucets and clothes are covered in stains and you feel a ‘scummy’ residue on your hands after you wash them with soap, you might have hard water. Find...

Scaling and Corrosion in Tap Water - BLG141

Scale, Corrosion, and Plumbing: What You Need to Know

In this informative blog post, we’ll be focusing on two of the major processes that can impact your pipes: corrosion and scaling. What are they? What can you do to...

7 Common Pathogens in Drinking Water

7 Pathogens that Contaminate Drinking Water

While water systems work hard to ensure that water safe to drink, it doesn’t mean that your water 100% free from microorganisms. Bacteria, virus, and other pathogen contamination may still...

General drinking water quality properties guide - BLG063

General Chemistry of Water

Read to find out why hardness, total dissolved solids (TDS), pH, and alkalinity are important, what they mean for your water quality and health, general ranges, and what to do...

THMs and HAAs in Drinking Water - BLG104

Quick Guide: Trihalomethanes and HAA5/HAA9

Chlorine remains the leading method of water disinfection in the United States due to its cost-effectiveness. However, chlorination may result in some unintended consequences. Read more to learn about disinfection...