Tips for Taps Blog

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Nitrites, Nitrates, and Your Health

Nitrites, Nitrates, and Your Health

If my water is contaminated, I will know, right? Unfortunately… if you’ve been reading Tips for Taps, you’ll probably know the answer. Some drinking water contaminants are completely impossible to...

Toxicology Explained - The Science of Safety

What is Toxicology?

To know if your environment impacts your health, we rely on research in the field of toxicology. What is toxicology? We’re here to break down the jargon. Read this primer...

Emerging Contaminants of Concern in Drinking Water - Tap Score

What Are Contaminants of Emerging Concern in Drinking Water?

Given the 80,000+ chemicals on the market, it's no surprise that there are many we just don't know much about. In this piece, we ask: what are contaminants of emerging...

Tap Water Effects on Hair and Skin

Ultimate Guide: Tap Water Effects on Hair and Skin

Is chlorine or hard water bad for your hair and skin? From irritated skin and itchy scalp to eczema, dandruff, and hair loss, read on to learn how your water...

Haloacetic Acids (HAA5/HAA9) in Drinking Water

Quick Guide: Haloacetic Acids in Drinking Water Explained

Chlorine disinfection is essential for protecting us from waterborne diseases, but it can lead to dangerous byproducts in your water including haloacetic acids (HAA5/HAA9). Read on to learn what HAA5/HAA9 are, how...

What do Berkey Water Filters Remove? - Unbiased Overview

What Do Berkeys Filter Out?

If you’ve looked into purchasing an at-home water treatment device, you’ve likely come across Berkey filters. However, without extensive testing or certification to NSF/ANSI standards for all of their claims,...

What Chemicals Are Subject to TSCA

What Chemicals Are Subject to TSCA?

Toxic Substances Control Act requires the EPA to keep a list of all chemicals made or processed in the US. To date, there are over 86,000 chemicals in this inventory....

Berkey performance testing guide

How Do I Performance Test My Berkey?

Berkey water filters are one of the most popular in-home water treatment devices on the market today, thanks in large part to their robust sales and marketing tactics. But without any NSF/ANSI certifications to...