
Frequently Asked Questions

Which Tap Score Package Is Right For Me?

Every Tap Score Package has a name that describes its general purpose. For example, The Advanced Well Water Test includes laboratory testing for a list of chemical parameters that are most common among private and shared wells. The Advanced City Water Test focuses on contaminants commonly found in homes served by public water systems. The Essential Water Test is going to make the most sense for most customers in cities with well-funded and operated water utilities.

The Essential test includes Lead & Copper, the Advanced tests include everything in the Essential Test.

When you visit the products page and click "GET STARTED" on any package that sounds like it will fit your needs. When you scroll down you’ll see a full list of chemical parameters included as well as other details about the package and who it’s intended for.

Should I test the water before or after it passes through my existing treatment unit?

Testing before any treatment is best for most people so you can know what kind of source-water you're dealing with. Our understanding of treatment science is good enough that we can be reasonably sure if a treatment product is producing good quality water based on what's going into it. If you want to make completely sure there's nothing wrong with your treatment unit, then you should test after as well.

Each Tap Score testing package should be used for testing a single water source.

How Many Contaminants Does Tap Score Test For?

Many companies will try to sell you on their water testing kits by listing a huge number of contaminants included in their product. This is nothing more than marketing spin. Any lab can readily perform certain testing methods that will concurrently analyze water for hundreds of superfluous chemicals. However, most of these chemicals have no realistic chance of appearing in your drinking water. We focus Tap Score Packages on testing the contaminants that do matter and actually have a chance of being detected in your water.

Read this guide to buying a water test online to avoid other shady business practices common in water testing.

When will I receive my results?

Most Tap Score Results are delivered to your email inbox within 10 business days from when the laboratory receives your samples. (It takes 1 - 3 days for your samples to arrive at the Lab after you send them in with our pre-paid postage.) Laboratory chemistry requires substantial manual labor time from highly educated staff scientists as well as machine operation time. 

If necessary, how do you help me pick the right treatment system?

We use the combination of your contaminant results and survey responses to create a list of treatment products matched to you and your water's needs. Most of the treatment products we suggest have been vetted with certifications from the National Sanitation Foundation and / or Water Quality Foundation. We also consider customer reviews and lifetime cost estimates to ensure we are picking among products that will be best for your home. We have no affiliation with any treatment companies nor do we sell our own treatment equipment.

If you have questions, we are here to help: message us.

What is bringing my water's score down?

Tap Score deducts points from your score even when State and Federal regulations might not. Regulatory limits only exist for a fraction of contaminants and can take 30 years or more to establish with new laws. Even Public Health Goals published by the government can be outdated and exist for even fewer contaminants.

We test for more potential contaminants and we hold your water quality to an even higher standard. Click here to read more about our scoring system.

My score is high but I don’t like the taste of my water!

Some of the most harmful contaminants have no taste, smell or odor (e.g. arsenic and lead). Other contaminants can make your water taste or smell foul before they reach levels that might cause serious harm. Depending on the taste, smell, or appearance of your water, we can recommend something to help.

What happens if my sample vial breaks?

It doesn't happen often, we've had one vial break in 2017 and have taken steps to improve packing since then. If you do run into this we'll expedite another box to you right away so we can give it another shot.